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Synchrotron X-ray spectroscopy study on the valence state in $$alpha$$- and $$beta$$-TbAlB$$_4$$ at low temperature and high magnetic fields


松田 康弘*; 中村 俊幸*; 久我 健太郎*; 中辻 知*; 道村 真司*; 稲見 俊哉; 河村 直己*; 水牧 仁一朗*

Matsuda, Yasuhiro*; Nakamura, Toshiyuki*; Kuga, Kentaro*; Nakatsuji, Satoru*; Michimura, Shinji*; Inami, Toshiya; Kawamura, Naomi*; Mizumaki, Masaichiro*


The valence state of Yb ions in $$alpha$$- and $$beta$$-YbAlB$$_4$$ has been investigated by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy at temperatures from 2 to 280 K. It is found that the valence gradually increases with increasing temperature toward 3+ and that the characteristic temperature of the valence fluctuations is about 290 K. We also observe a small increase in the Yb valence ($$sim$$ 0.002) in $$beta$$-YbAlB$$_4$$ by a magnetic field of 32 T at 40 K.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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