※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Production of platinum particles on the surface of porous substrates using a few tens keV electron beam induced reduction method

箱田 照幸; 山本 春也; 有谷 博文*; 吉川 正人

Hakoda, Teruyuki; Yamamoto, Shunya; Aritani, Hirofumi*; Yoshikawa, Masahito


The production of noble metal catalyst particles on the surface of catalyst substrates were studied using low energy electron beams (EBs) as a radiation-induced reduction method. Porous alumina substrates were impregnated in a solution containing PtCl$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ ions and ethanol. The surface of the substrates was irradiated with EBs. As a result, platinum particles were produced on the surface of the substrates. The platinum particles had catalytic activity. The obtained results suggest that low energy EBs can be applied to the production of noble metal catalysts as new application of a radiation-induced reduction method.



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