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A Study on the strength properties of the rock mass based on triaxial tests conducted at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory

青柳 和平  ; 石井 英一   ; 近藤 桂二*; 津坂 仁和*; 藤田 朝雄 

Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Ishii, Eiichi; Kondo, Keiji*; Tsusaka, Kimikazu*; Fujita, Tomoo


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting R&D activities at the off-site URL at Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan in order to enhance reliability of technology related to deep geological disposal of HLW in sedimentary rocks. In this report, strength properties (cohesion and frictional angle) of rock masses in the Koetoi and Wakkanai formations are investigated on the basis of triaxial tests conducted in the Horonobe URL considering the relative depths to the formation. Strength properties investigated in this report are compared with the properties obtained in the designing phase. The cohesion in the Koetoi Formation increased with increasing depth. On the other hand, in the transition zone of the Wakkanai Formation, the cohesion increased significantly in the shallow Wakkanai formation (transition zone). Below the transition zone, the cohesion does not significantly depend on the depth. Thus the strength properties between two formations were found to be different. Comparing the cohesions and frictional angles determined from triaxial tests with the values determined in the designing phase, there was no agreement between these values in almost all the depth. Thus it is essential to determine cohesion and frictional angle considering the relative depths to the formation for detailed understanding of strength properties of rock mass.



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