Preparation of crown ether derivative-impregnated Sr-adsorptive fibers for rapid analysis of Sr-90
今田 未来; 浅井 志保; 半澤 有希子 ; 斎藤 恭一*; 藤原 邦夫*; 須郷 高信*; 間柄 正明
Konda, Miki; Asai, Shiho; Hanzawa, Yukiko; Saito, Kyoichi*; Fujiwara, Kunio*; Sugo, Takanobu*; Magara, Masaaki
The concentration of Sr is normally determined with a beta counter, which involves time-consuming pretreatment procedures. To minimize such pretreatment procedures, an adsorbent achieving high-speed separation would be helpful. Adsorbents prepared by graft polymerization have an ideal surface structure, promoting efficient adsorption of analytes to functional groups of the polymer chain attached through the polymerization reaction. In this study, an extractant for Sr, dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 (DC8C6) was impregnated onto alkylamino-group-introduced graft chains based on hydrophobic interaction. A nylon fiber was employed as a base polymer, which allows to form various shapes according to measurement modes. The amount of impregnated DC8C6 is comparable to those of commercially available Sr adsorbents. This indicates that the prepared fibers have an adequate adsorptivity for Sr ion from a practical perspective.