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 年 ~ 

Comparative study of granitic and sedimentary groundwater colloids by flow-field flow fractionation coupled with ICP-MS


斉藤 拓巳; 浜本 貴史*; 水野 崇   ; 岩月 輝希  ; 田中 知*

Saito, Takumi; Hamamoto, Takafumi*; Mizuno, Takashi; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Tanaka, Satoru*


Size distribution and elemental compositions of colloids in granitic and sedimentary deep groundwater was determined by flow field flow fractionation (Fl-FFF) combined with ICP-MS. In the granitic groundwater organic colloids and various inorganic elements were found in limited size ranges ($$<$$10 nm and $$>$$140 nm). The presence of different types of organic colloids was suggested in this groundwater. Most of the inorganic elements exhibited similar size distributions at $$<$$10 nm, which were largely overlapped with organic colloids rich in fluorophores. In the sedimentary groundwater small organic and probably inorganic colloids were found at $$<$$5 nm together with relatively large inorganic colloids. Organic colloids in this groundwater were homogeneous in terms of their sizes and the compositions of chromohores and fluorophores. The size distribution of inorganic elements depended on their types, indicating the presence of different host colloidal phases for them.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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