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Identification of deformed intruder states in semi-magic $$^{70}$$Ni


Chiara, C. J.*; Weisshaar, D.*; Janssens, R. V. F.*; 角田 佑介*; 大塚 孝治*; Harker, J. L.*; Walters, W. B.*; Recchia, F.*; Albers, M.*; Alcorta, M.*; Bader, V. M.*; Baugher, T.*; Bazin, D.*; Berryman, J. S.*; Bertone, P. F.*; Campbell, C. M.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Chen, J.*; Crawford, H. L.*; David, H. M.*; Doherty, D. T.*; Gade, A.*; Hoffman, C. R.*; 本間 道雄*; Kondev, F. G.*; Korichi, A.*; Langer, C.*; Larson, N.*; Lauritsen, T.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Lunderberg, E.*; Macchiavelli, A. O.*; 野地 俊平*; Prokop, C. J.*; Rogers, A. M.*; Seweryniak, D.*; 清水 則孝*; Stroberg, S. R.*; Suchyta, S.*; 宇都野 穣   ; Williams, S.*; Wimmer, K.*; Zhu, S.*

Chiara, C. J.*; Weisshaar, D.*; Janssens, R. V. F.*; Tsunoda, Yusuke*; Otsuka, Takaharu*; Harker, J. L.*; Walters, W. B.*; Recchia, F.*; Albers, M.*; Alcorta, M.*; Bader, V. M.*; Baugher, T.*; Bazin, D.*; Berryman, J. S.*; Bertone, P. F.*; Campbell, C. M.*; Carpenter, M. P.*; Chen, J.*; Crawford, H. L.*; David, H. M.*; Doherty, D. T.*; Gade, A.*; Hoffman, C. R.*; Homma, Michio*; Kondev, F. G.*; Korichi, A.*; Langer, C.*; Larson, N.*; Lauritsen, T.*; Liddick, S. N.*; Lunderberg, E.*; Macchiavelli, A. O.*; Noji, Shumpei*; Prokop, C. J.*; Rogers, A. M.*; Seweryniak, D.*; Shimizu, Noritaka*; Stroberg, S. R.*; Suchyta, S.*; Utsuno, Yutaka; Williams, S.*; Wimmer, K.*; Zhu, S.*

アルゴンヌ国立研究所にて中性子過剰核$$^{70}$$Niを$$^{70}$$Znの多核子移行反応によって生成し、$$gamma$$線検出器GRETINAを用いて$$gamma$$線分光を行った。その結果、$$2^+_2$$, $$4^+_2$$準位を初めて観測した。これらの準位は小さな模型空間を採用した殻模型計算では再現されないため、陽子の$$f_{7/2}$$軌道からの励起を伴った大きな変形状態であると考えられる。本論文の理論グループが2014年に発表した大規模殻模型計算によって$$^{70}$$Niの励起状態を解析した結果、これらの状態は大きなプロレート変形を持つ状態とよく対応することがわかった。この結果は、中性子過剰ニッケル同位体における変形共存が$$^{68}$$Ni以外にも存在することを実証するとともに、中性子過剰核における大規模殻模型計算の予言能力を確かめるものである。

The neutron-rich isotope $$^{70}$$Ni was produced by multi-nucleon transfer reactions of $$^{70}$$Zn in the Argonne National Laboratory, and an in-beam $$gamma$$-ray experiment were performed using the GRETINA array. The $$2^+_2$$ and $$4^+_2$$ levels of $$^{70}$$Ni were observed for the first time. Those levels are regarded as large deformed states associated with proton excitation from the $$f_{7/2}$$ orbit because they cannot be reproduced by a shell-model calculation assuming a small valence space without $$f_{7/2}$$. A theoretical analysis based on the Monte Carlo shell model published in 2014 indicates that those levels corresponds to a prolate deformed band. The present result demonstrates the occurrence of shape coexistence in neutron-rich Ni isotopes other than a known case of $$^{68}$$Ni, and confirms the predictive power of the Monte Carlo shell-model calculation.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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