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 年 ~ 

Inter-atomic force constants of BaF$$_{2}$$ by diffuse neutron scattering measurement


佐久間 隆*; Makhsun*; 酒井 竜太郎*; Xianglian*; 高橋 東之*; Basar, K.*; 井川 直樹   ; Danilkin, S. A.*

Sakuma, Takashi*; Makhsun*; Sakai, Ryutaro*; Xianglian*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Basar, K.*; Igawa, Naoki; Danilkin, S. A.*

10Kおよび295KにてBaF$$_{2}$$の中性子散漫散乱測定を実施し、295Kにおいて、振動する散漫散乱強度パターンが観察された。この散漫散乱パターンよりF-F間の相関効果を解析することができ、この相関効果とDebye-Waller因子から、295KにおけるBaF$$_{2}$$の最近接および第2近接原子間の力定数は各々4.40, 2.30eV/$AA$^{2}$$と求められた。

Diffuse neutron scattering measurement on BaF$$_{2}$$ crystals was performed at 10 K and 295 K. Oscillatory form in the diffuse scattering intensity of BaF$$_{2}$$ was observed at 295 K. The correlation effects among thermal displacements of F-F atoms were obtained from the analysis of oscillatory diffuse scattering intensity. From the values of correlation effects and Debye-Waller temperature parameters, force constants among the first and second nearest neighboring atoms of BaF$$_{2}$$, were determined to be 4.40 and 2.30 eV/$AA$^{2}$$ at 295 K, respectively



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分野:Physics, Applied



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