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Prediction of ambient dose equivalent rates for the next 30 years after the accident


木名瀬 栄   ; 高橋 知之*; 佐藤 仁士*; 山本 英明; 斎藤 公明  

Kinase, Sakae; Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Sato, Satoshi*; Yamamoto, Hideaki; Saito, Kimiaki


To support recovery and rehabilitation in Fukushima, prediction models have been developed for ambient dose equivalent rate distribution within the 80 km-radius around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The prediction models that are based on bi-exponential functions characterized by ecological half-lives of radioactive caesium for land-use, enable Fukushima residents to obtain distribution maps of ambient dose equivalent rates for the next 30 years after the accident. Model parameters were evaluated using ambient dose equivalent rates through car-borne surveys. The model parameters in deciduous and evergreen forest areas were found to be different from those in other areas. In addition, it was found that distribution maps of ambient dose equivalent rates for the next 30 years after the accident, created by the prediction models would be useful for follow-up of the radiological situation.



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