※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Physical process of decomposition of hydrated deoxyribose by oxygen K-shell ionization


藤井 健太郎; 泉 雄大; 成田 あゆみ*; Krishna, G.*; Alain, T.*; Rodolphe, V.*; Marie-Pierre, G.*; Marie-Francoise, P.*; Marie-Anne, H.*; 横谷 明徳

Fujii, Kentaro; Izumi, Yudai; Narita, Ayumi*; Krishna, G.*; Alain, T.*; Rodolphe, V.*; Marie-Pierre, G.*; Marie-Francoise, P.*; Marie-Anne, H.*; Yokoya, Akinari


In order to reveal the role of hydration water on the process by ionizing radiations, we measured a mass spectrum of ions desorbing from hydrated dR films exposed to monochromatic soft X-rays (560 eV). We observed positive ions to examine the effect of Coulomb explosion of valence holes produced as a result of Auger decay after the ionization. Desorbing positive ions were detected by a quadrupole mass spectrometer positioned at ~30 mm from the sample. The yield of desorbing ions which were produced by the destruction of the furanose ring structure of dR, obviously supressed when one layer of water molecules was deposited onto the film. This result suggests that the hydration water layer on the film attenuates the intense destruction of the furanose ring structure induced by the ionization of K-shell electrons of oxygen, or the desorption of the resulting fragment ions from the sample film.



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