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The Engineering materials diffractometer TAKUMI at J-PARC


Harjo, S.   ; 川崎 卓郎   ; Gong, W.; 相澤 一也  

Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Gong, W.; Aizawa, Kazuya

The Engineering Materials Diffractometer "TAKUMI" has been built at BL19 in Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility, J-PARC and is operated to promote scientific and industrial studies in various areas such as materials science and engineering and mechanical engineering. TAKUMI was designed not only to have high resolution providing high accuracy in lattice strain, to have also high intensity enabling to time transient diffraction per seconds or less. The construction of BL19 TAKUMI was completed at the beginning of 2009. The operation was terminated during 2011 due to the damages caused by the Tohoku earthquake, but was restarted on 2012 after the repairing and commissioning within a year. Current status of TAKUMI will be briefly introduced; (1) instrument specifications, (2) covering applications, (3) unique sample environmental devices and available experiments, (4) research examples and (5) new challenges and upgrading plans.



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