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An Approach to discriminatively determine thoron and radon emanation rates for a granular material with a scintillation cell


迫田 晃弘   ; Meisenberg, O.*; Tschiersch, J.*

Sakoda, Akihiro; Meisenberg, O.*; Tschiersch, J.*


In the present study, the methodology for the discriminative determination of thoron and radon emanation rates from a granular material has been examined using a flow-through scintillation cell and so-called sandwich sample. The mathematical model was developed to differentiate total alpha counts into thoron- and radon-associated counts. This method was experimentally validated, and then the detection limits and uncertainties were evaluated to characterize this method. It was concluded that the present method is advantageous to a sample that has much higher $$^{226}$$Ra activity than $$^{224}$$Ra if the emanation fractions are similar between thoron and radon.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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