Medical use radioisotope production with accelerator neutrons by deuterons
塚田 和明
; 渡辺 智*; 石岡 典子*; 初川 雄一*; 橋本 和幸*; 須郷 由美*; 佐藤 望*; 金 政浩*; 川端 方子*; 佐伯 秀也*; 永井 泰樹*
Tsukada, Kazuaki; Watanabe, Satoshi*; Ishioka, Noriko*; Hatsukawa, Yuichi*; Hashimoto, Kazuyuki*; Sugo, Yumi*; Sato, Nozomi*; Kin, Tadahiro*; Kawabata, Masako*; Saeki, Hideya*; Nagai, Yasuki*
50MeVの重陽子ビームを炭素あるいはBe標的に照射することで発生する高速中性子を、合成用ターゲット(濃縮Mo-100, Zr-90, Zn-64及びZn-68の酸化物)に照射し合成した。その結果、目的とするRIの生成量評価並びに副生成物に関する情報を得たので報告する。
A new system has been proposed for the generation of radioisotopes with accelerator neutrons by deuterons, especially the production of Mo-99, Y-90, Cu-67, and Cu-64. Enriched Mo-100, Zr-90, Zn-68 and Zn-64 oxide samples were irradiated with neutrons, which were obtained by the
C(d,n) and Be(d,n) using 12 - 50 MeV deuterons provided from the TIARA cyclotron and the JAEA tandem accelerator. Mo-99, Y-90, Cu-67, and Cu-64 were successfully produced via the (n, x) reactions, and we clearly observed the
-rays. The present results demonstrate that the radioisotopes, Mo-99, Y-90, Cu-67, and Cu-64, can be produced by using fast neutrons, and strongly suggest that the reaction system is one of the most promising routes to produce high quality medical radioisotope.