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Evaluation of FP chemistry under severe accident conditions with focus on the effects of BWR control material, 6; Oxidation behavior of B$$_{4}$$C/SS/Zry mixed melts phases

Di Lemma, F. G.; 三輪 周平  ; 高田 準太郎; 高野 公秀 ; 逢坂 正彦  

Di Lemma, F. G.; Miwa, Shuhei; Takada, Juntaro; Takano, Masahide; Osaka, Masahiko

This work describes the oxidation and vaporization behaviors from simple Fe-B phases (Fe$$_{2}$$B, FeB) under steam conditions, which contributes to the experimental determination of boron (B) release kinetics from complex B-containing complex melts (B$$_{4}$$C/SS/Zry) during a severe accident. The oxidation and vaporization behavior of these samples was found to be influenced by their B/Fe ratio and by the formation of Fe-B-O compounds.



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