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 年 ~ 

Evaluation of ECP measured in in-pile environment


塙 悟史 ; 内田 俊介; 端 邦樹 ; 知見 康弘; 笠原 茂樹*; 西山 裕孝 

Hanawa, Satoshi; Uchida, Shunsuke; Hata, Kuniki; Chimi, Yasuhiro; Kasahara, Shigeki*; Nishiyama, Yutaka


ECP is the exclusive index to evaluate corrosion condition directly at the points of interest in the mixing of neutron and $$gamma$$-ray environment. ECP can be calculated through the combination of water radiolysis and ECP model. A water radiolysis model have been applied to experiments performed in in-pile loops in the experimental reactors and applicability was confirmed. An ECP model based on the Butler-Volmer equation was also prepared. ECP of stainless steel was measured under well controlled water chemistry condition in in-pile loop in the Halden reactor, and the model was applied to evaluate ECP measured in the Halden reactor. The measured data were well explained by the water radiolysis calculation and ECP model. Accumulation of in-pile ECP data are expected for further validation of the models.



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