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 年 ~ 

Cross-checking groundwater age by $$^{4}$$He and $$^{14}$$C dating in a granite, Tono area, central Japan


長谷川 琢磨*; 中田 弘太郎*; 富岡 祐一*; 後藤 和幸*; 柏谷 公希*; 濱 克宏 ; 岩月 輝希  ; 國丸 貴紀*; 武田 匡樹 

Hasegawa, Takuma*; Nakata, Kotaro*; Tomioka, Yuichi*; Goto, Kazuyuki*; Kashiwaya, Koki*; Hama, Katsuhiro; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Kunimaru, Takanori*; Takeda, Masaki


Groundwater dating was performed simultaneously by the $$^{4}$$He and $$^{14}$$C methods in granite of the Tono area in central Japan. Groundwater was sampled at 30 packed-off sections of six 1000-m boreholes. $$^{4}$$He concentrations increased and $$^{14}$$C concentrations decreased along a groundwater flow path on a topographic gradient. $$^{4}$$He ages were calculated by using the in situ $$^{4}$$He production rate derived from the porosity, density, and U and Th content of the rock, neglecting external flux. The linear relation between the $$^{4}$$He ages and the noncorrected $$^{14}$$C ages, except in the discharge area. Simultaneous measurements make it feasible to estimate the accumulation rate of $$^{4}$$He and initial dilution of $$^{14}$$C, which cannot be done with a single method. Cross-checking groundwater dating has the potential to provide more reliable groundwater ages.



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分野:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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