Non-destructive texture measurement of steel sheets with compact neutron source "RANS"
高村 正人*; 池田 義雅*; 須長 秀行*; 竹谷 篤*; 大竹 淑恵*; 鈴木 裕士
; 熊谷 正芳*; 浜 孝之*; 大場 洋次郎*
Takamura, Masato*; Ikeda, Yoshimasa*; Sunaga, Hideyuki*; Taketani, Atsushi*; Otake, Yoshie*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kumagai, Masayoshi*; Hama, Takayuki*; Oba, Yojiro*
Neutron diffraction is well known to be a useful technique for measuring a bulk texture of metallic materials taking advantage of a large penetration depth of the neutron beam. However, this technique has not been widely utilized for the texture measurement because large facilities like a reactor or a large accelerator are required in general. In contrast, RANS (Riken Accelerator-driven Compact Neutron Source) has been developed as a neutron source which can be used easily in laboratories. In this study, texture evolution in steel sheets with plastic deformation was successfully measured using RANS. The results show the capability of the compact neutron source for the analysis of the crystal structure of metallic materials, which leads us to a better understanding of plastic deformation behavior.