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Method of underwater image correction for stationary monitoring

小池 健司*; 高橋 悟*; 川端 邦明   ; 鈴木 剛*; 武村 史朗*

Koike, Kenji*; Takahashi, Satoru*; Kawabata, Kuniaki; Suzuki, Tsuyoshi*; Takemura, Fumiaki*


We propose a method of estimating amount of attitude change of stationary sensor node which is important to realize observation of identical spot for a long term based on the tracked position data of underwater landmark, it is called marine tag, generated on underwater image, and then in order to see a target, in here a coral, in the fixed position on image, attitude of captured image is corrected based on the estimated amount of attitude data. Then, we estimate amount of attitude change of sensor unit of stationary sensor node by optimizing the evaluation function based on Steepest Descent Method, and correct the attitude of original image with the estimated attitude data. Through some experiments, we prove the effectiveness of our proposed method.



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