※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Study on evaluation of the properties of a crystalline rock using of surface wave

松井 裕哉 ; 尾崎 裕介  ; 木本 和志*; 市川 康明*

Matsui, Hiroya; Ozaki, Yusuke; Kimoto, Kazushi*; Ichikawa, Yasuaki*


The quantitative estimation of the time dependent behavior of a host rock is important to confident the design of a plug in HLW repository. On the other hand, interaction between rock and groundwater may affect with the time dependent behavior. Therefore, it is need to establish the model such a coupling process and estimate a distribution of micro crack in rock quantitatively. The paper report the results of the study on evaluation of the properties of a crystalline rock using of surface wave for these purpose.



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