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Electronic structure and correlation in $$beta$$-Ti$$_3$$O$$_5$$ and $$lambda$$-Ti$$_3$$O$$_5$$ studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


小林 啓介*; 田口 宗孝*; 小畠 雅明  ; 田中 健司*; 所 裕子*; 大門 寛*; 岡根 哲夫  ; 山上 浩志; 池永 英司*; 大越 慎一*

Kobayashi, Keisuke*; Taguchi, Munetaka*; Kobata, Masaaki; Tanaka, Kenji*; Tokoro, Hiroko*; Daimon, Hiroshi*; Okane, Tetsuo; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Ikenaga, Eiji*; Okoshi, Shinichi*

We have conducted hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigations of the electronic structure changes and electron correlation phenomena which take place upon the photoinduced reversible phase transition between $$beta$$- and $$lambda$$-Ti$$_3$$O. From valence band spectra of $$beta$$- and $$lambda$$-Ti$$_3$$O$$_5$$, we have identified the bipolaron caused by the $$sigma$$-type bonding of $$d_{xy}$$ orbitals in $$beta$$-Ti$$_3$$O$$_5$$ and the $$pi$$ stacking between the $$d_{xy}$$ orbitals between different Ti sites in $$lambda$$-Ti$$_3$$O$$_5$$, previously predicted by $textit{ab initio}$ calculations. On the other hand, the Ti $$2p$$ and Ti $$1s$$ core level spectra exhibit nonlocal screening satellite features, which are typical spectroscopic signs of strong electron correlation in the coherent Ti $$t_{2g}$$ states. Correlation in the valence band also manifests to reduce the plasmon energy, which results in an enhancement of the valence electron mass by a factor of 2.7.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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