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軽水炉重大事故時におけるCsと鋼材の化学反応の評価,4; モデル化に向けたCsと鋼材との反応速度の評価

Cs chemical reaction with stainless steel under a LWR severe accident, 4; Evaluation of surface reaction rate between Cs and stainless steel for modeling study

西岡 俊一郎; 中島 邦久  ; 鈴木 恵理子   ; 逢坂 正彦  

Nishioka, Shunichiro; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Suzuki, Eriko; Osaka, Masahiko


Validation of existing models of Cs chemisorption onto stainless steel (SS), incorporated in the severe accident (SA) analysis code, was carried out. The surface reaction rates between Cs and SS were calculated using newly obtained experimental data, and then compared with the old ones. The applicable range of the model was considered based on the comparison under various atmospheric condition.



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