Study on restricted use of contaminated rubble on Fukushima Daiichi NPS site, 2; Validation of reference radiocesium concentration for recycling materials
福島第一原子力発電所敷地内における放射能で汚染されたがれき類の限定的な再利用に関する検討,2; 算出した放射性セシウムめやす濃度の妥当性評価
三輪 一爾 ; 島田 太郎 ; 武田 聖司
Miwa, Kazuji; Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji
In this study, in order to validate the restricted use of recycling material at the reference radiocesium concentration (determined in series report (1)), we evaluated worker annual doses, air dose rate at the site boundary and impact of migrated radiocesium into groundwater. Firstly, we evaluated the additional annual dose for workers, on the assumption that typical workers coming in contact with the source after construction (Road: 1.2 mSv/y, Building: 1.3 mSv/y). Secondly, we evaluated the air dose rates by distance from road and building including recycling material, and investigated the distance for not exceeding 1 mSv/y (including additional dose rate by recycling and background dose rate of 0.6 mSv/y) at the site boundary (Road: 25 m, Building: 1 m). Thirdly, we evaluated the Cs migration in groundwater, and investigated the distance required for satisfying the operation target value (Cs: 1 Bq/L, Cs: 1 Bq/L) at the boundary (coastal line) (Road: 10 m, Building: 10 m).