※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

放射線複雑DNA損傷を誘発する低エネルギー電子の役割; 動的モンテカルロ計算解析

Role of secondary electrons for radiation complex DNA damage

甲斐 健師   ; 米谷 佳晃*; 横谷 明徳*

Kai, Takeshi; Yonetani, Yoshiteru*; Yokoya, Akinari*


Deeply study for radiation DNA damage is very important to understand initial factors for mutation and cancer inductions. Recently, photolysis techniques have revealed that pre-hydrated electrons can induce DNA damage through dissociative electron transfer (DET). The contributions to DNA damage by DET have not been fully investigated in previous theoretical studies. Thus a dynamic Monte Carlo code (DMCC) was developed to consider effect of the DET. From the analysis used by the DMCC, we revealed that pre-hydrated electrons contribute to formation of complex DNA damage. Thus we also have developed a newly calculation method combined with the DMCC and molecular dynamics method. The method makes it possible to predict formation of pre-hydrated electrons. In this presentation, we will report current states of development for the newly method.



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