※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

A Computer code for dose estimation from external exposure to radioactive plume


佐藤 大樹   ; 中山 浩成   ; 古田 琢哉   

Satoh, Daiki; Nakayama, Hiromasa; Furuta, Takuya


To protect the public against radiations from radionuclides distributed in the environment, we have been developing a dose-estimation system for both internal and external exposures. In this presentation, we introduce the computer code developed as a part of the system to predict the doses from a radioactive plume. The behavior of the radioactive plume is traced by a local-scale atmospheric dispersion model using large-eddy simulation (LOHDIM-LES) in a three-dimensional space segmented with cubic grids. For a quick and accurate dose estimation, we use response functions which are dose contributions from one grid containing radionuclide with a unit radioactivity to neighboring grids. The response functions of the radionuclide on the ground and in the air were evaluated using the radiation transport code PHITS. Then, the dose distribution is computed by multiplying the radioactivities outputted from the LOHDIM-LES by the response functions. To validate the methodology, the dose distribution in an urban setting was calculated using the response functions. The calculated results were compared with those calculated by the PHITS. It was found that our code has the ability to predict dose distribution with a comparable accuracy and a much faster calculation speed as compared with the PHITS.



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