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 年 ~ 

Results of the Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation (CIELO) Project


Fleming, M.*; Chadwick, M.*; Brown, D.*; Capote, R.*; Ge, Z.*; Herman, M.*; Ignatyuk, A.*; Ivanova, T.*; 岩本 修  ; Koning, A.*; Plompen, A.*; Trkov, A.*

Fleming, M.*; Chadwick, M.*; Brown, D.*; Capote, R.*; Ge, Z.*; Herman, M.*; Ignatyuk, A.*; Ivanova, T.*; Iwamoto, Osamu; Koning, A.*; Plompen, A.*; Trkov, A.*

The Sub- and Expert Groups of the WPEC typically focus on specific technical topics, while the Collaborative International Evaluated Library Organisation Pilot Project (CIELO) was established to generate complete evaluations for a selection of the most important isotopes for criticality in nuclear technologies: $$^{235,238}$$U, $$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{56}$$Fe, $$^{16}$$O and $$^{1}$$H. The outcomes of these evaluations include significant harmonisation of discrepancies between the independent programmes, improvement in the performance for international standard nuclear criticality and neutron transmission benchmarks, complete uncertainties for nearly all parameters and the utilisation of modern data storage technologies. This work has leveraged the considerable, parallel experimental work in collecting improved experimental measurements to support nuclear data and highlighted high-priority areas for further study. A productive and durable framework for international evaluation has been established which will build upon the lessons learned. These will continue through new WPEC groups and a new IAEA evaluation network, which has been initiated in response to the success of the CIELO project. This talk will summarize some performance feedback on the CIELO evaluations, including recent results, and will describe ongoing and future, planned CIELO-related collaborations to further advance our understanding.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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