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A New probabilistic evaluation model for weld residual stress


真野 晃宏 ; 勝山 仁哉  ; 宮本 裕平*; 山口 義仁 ; Li, Y. 

Mano, Akihiro; Katsuyama, Jinya; Miyamoto, Yuhei*; Yamaguchi, Yoshihito; Li, Y.


Weld residual stress (WRS) is one of the most important factors in the structural integrity assessment of piping welds, and it is considered a driving force for crack growth. It is characterized by large uncertainty. For more rational assessment, it is important to consider the uncertainty of WRS for evaluating crack growth behavior in probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis. In existing PFM analysis codes, WRS uncertainty is set by statistically processing the results of multiple finite element analyses. This process depends on the individual performing PFM analysis, which may lead to uncertainties whose sources would be different from the original WRS. In this study, we developed a new WRS evaluation model based on Fourier transformation, and the model was incorporated into PASCAL-SP, which has been developed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Through improvements to the code, WRS uncertainty can be considered automatically and appropriately by inputting multiple WRS analysis results directly as input data for PFM analysis.



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分野:Engineering, Multidisciplinary



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