※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Sensitivity analyses of natural tracer profiles in sedimentary rocks of the Horonobe URL, Japan


笹本 広   ; Arthur, R. C.*; Alt-Epping, P.*; 舘 幸男  

Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Arthur, R. C.*; Alt-Epping, P.*; Tachi, Yukio


The present study performed an interpretation of natural tracers (non or weakly sorption elements) profiles of groundwater observed in the boreholes drilled from the surface around the Horonobe Underground Laboratory based on the transport processes of advection and diffusion. In the interpretation, due to several uncertainty ranges for transport parameters in initial and boundary conditions, sensitivity analyses considering the relevant model parameters defined uncertainty limits were also conducted to evaluate the plausible parameter sets and conditions to be compatible with observations.



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