Mass transport in the PdCu phase structures during hydrogen adsorption and absorption studied by XPS under hydrogen atmosphere
Tang, J.*; 山本 達*; 小板谷 貴典*; 吉越 章隆
; 徳永 拓馬*; 向井 孝三*; 松田 巌*; 吉信 淳*
Tang, J.*; Yamamoto, Susumu*; Koitaya, Takanori*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Tokunaga, Takuma*; Mukai, Kozo*; Matsuda, Iwao*; Yoshinobu, Jun*
Mass transports during hydrogen adsorption and absorption processes of PdCu alloys that has advantages of higher hydrogen diffusivity and economically lower-cost than the other Pd-alloys were studied. The research was made with a comparison of the well-known ordered phase of the bcc structure (the B2 phase) and a mixed phase of the fcc and B2 structures.
ultrahigh vacuum X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation were carried out to trace the chemical states of the Pd and Cu atoms as a function of temperatures. It is elucidated that the initial adsorption and absorption processes were similar in the two phases, but a hydrogen diffusion rate to the bulk was higher in the ordered phase than in the mixed one. We found the dynamics of the Pd and Cu atoms during the hydrogen adsorption/absorption processes largely depend on temperature. In the hydrogen atmosphere, the Pd atoms segregate at the surface below 373 K and Cu atoms segregate at the surface above 373 K. The present results agree well with the previous theoretical calculations and, thus, provide appropriate inputs toward developments of the hydrogen permeation materials.