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 年 ~ 

Negative Te spin polarization responsible for ferromagnetic order in the doped topological insulator V$$_{0.04}$$(Sb$$_{1-x}$$Bi$$_{x}$$)$$_{1.96}$$Te$$_{3}$$


Ye, M.*; Xu, T.*; Li, G.*; Qiao, S.*; 竹田 幸治   ; 斎藤 祐児  ; Zhu, S.-Y.*; Nurmamat, M.*; 角田 一樹*; 石田 行章*; Shin, S.*; 木村 昭夫*

Ye, M.*; Xu, T.*; Li, G.*; Qiao, S.*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Saito, Yuji; Zhu, S.-Y.*; Nurmamat, M.*; Sumida, Kazuki*; Ishida, Yukiaki*; Shin, S.*; Kimura, Akio*

We investigate the microscopic origin of ferromagnetism coupled with topological insulators in V-doped (Sb,Bi)$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ employing X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and angle-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopies, combined with first-principles calculations. We found an magnetic moment at the Te site anti-parallel to that of the V and Sb sites, which plays a key role in the ferromagnetic order. We ascribe it to the hybridization between Te 5${it p}$ and V 3${it d}$ majority spin states at the Fermi energy, consistent with the Zener-type ${it p}$-${it d}$ exchange interaction scenario. The substitution of Bi for Sb suppresses the bulk ferromagnetism by introducing extra electron carriers in the majority spin channel of the Te ${it p}$ states that compensates the antiparallel magnetic moment on the Te site. Our findings reveal important clues to designing magnetic topological insulators with higher Curie temperature that work under ambient conditions.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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