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Nanoscale ice-type structural fluctuation in spinel titanates


鳥越 秀平*; 服部 崇幸*; 樹神 克明   ; 本田 孝志*; 佐賀山 基*; 池田 一貴*; 大友 季哉*; 仁谷 浩明*; 阿部 仁*; 村川 寛*; 酒井 英明*; 花咲 徳亮*

Torigoe, Shuhei*; Hattori, Takayuki*; Kodama, Katsuaki; Honda, Takashi*; Sagayama, Hajime*; Ikeda, Kazutaka*; Otomo, Toshiya*; Nitani, Hiroaki*; Abe, Hitoshi*; Murakawa, Hiroshi*; Sakai, Hideaki*; Hanasaki, Noriaki*

In the spinel titanate MgTi$$_2$$O$$_4$$, the tetragonal phase collapses upon substitution of a tiny amount of Mg ion at the Ti site, and the cubic phase with the geometrical frustration is resurrected. The atomic pair distribution function (PDF) and the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) reveal the nanoscale structural fluctuation, in which the Ti atomic displacement has the two-in two-out configuration in the cubic phase. We argue that the geometrical frustration plays an essential role in the collapse of the tetragonal phase and the resultant nanoscale ice-type structural fluctuation.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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