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In-house texture measurement using a compact neutron source


徐 平光   ; 池田 義雅*; 箱山 智之*; 高村 正人*; 大竹 淑恵*; 鈴木 裕士  

Xu, P. G.; Ikeda, Yoshimasa*; Hakoyama, Tomoyuki*; Takamura, Masato*; Otake, Yoshie*; Suzuki, Hiroshi

In order to improve the instrumental accessibility of neutron diffraction technique, the emerging compact neutron sources and in-house neutron diffractometers as a good complementary way have caused wide attention while their analysis precision seems problematic for the practical application. As a challenging project, the RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source (RANS) was employed to establish the technical environment for texture measurement, and the recalculated pole figures and the orientation distribution function (ODF) of an interstitial-free (IF) steel sheet obtained from RANS were compared with the results from another two neutron diffractometers well-established for texture measurement. Moreover, the parameter "square integration of ODF difference" originally for evaluating the numerical error between the measured and simulated textures was generalized here to examine the reliability of RANS texture measurement. These quantitative comparisons revealed that the precise neutron diffraction texture measurement at RANS has been realized successfully and the following technical optimizations are much valuable, including the thickness selection of polyethylene moderator, the sample-to-detector distance, the B$$_{4}$$C shielding sheets for the reduced background noise, and the fine region division of the neutron detector panel. Moreover, the Rietveld texture analysis improves the texture reliability through avoiding the unfavorable influence of the uncertain diffraction intensity involved in the low counting, long wavelength incident neutrons at large scattering angles. Above technical results may accelerate the development of other easily accessible engineering materials evaluation techniques using compact neutron source, and also help to improve the data-collecting efficiency for various time-sliced scattering experiments at large neutron facilities.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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