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 年 ~ 

Current status of JAEA research and development and international cooperation toward decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPP


鷲谷 忠博 

Washiya, Tadahiro


CLADS is conducting basic research on decommissioning in order to contribute to the decommissioning of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). Retrieval of fuel debris is the most challenging issue in the decommissioning, and research is being conducted using simulated debris to understand the properties of 1F debris. 1F decommissioning is a difficult environment unlike any other in the world, so it is necessary to gather wisdom from inside and outside the country. Therefore, CLADS has developed various international cooperation. In this meeting, we will report the outline of research and development and international cooperation in CLADS.



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