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 年 ~ 

In situ neutron diffraction during compression or tension of Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ consisting of LPSO phase and $$alpha$$Mg phase


Harjo, S.   ; 相澤 一也  ; Gong, W.*; 川崎 卓郎   

Harjo, S.; Aizawa, Kazuya; Gong, W.*; Kawasaki, Takuro

Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy is a magnesium alloy with a duplex microstructure consisting of a long period stacking ordered (LPSO) phase and an $$alpha$$Mg phase. Kink deformation was observed in an as-cast Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy subjected to hot compression, and the refinement of LPSO via kinking was found to be the reason for strengthening of the material from microscopy analyses. However, direct evidences showing the increase in strength via kinking have not been observed so far. In the present work, in situ neutron diffraction was used to investigate the anisotropic deformation behavior of LPSO and $$alpha$$Mg phases during uniaxial compression or tension in an as-cast Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy and an extruded Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy. The evolutions of phase stresses in both the LPSO and $$alpha$$Mg phases were evaluated and discussed with the occurrences of twinning and kinking during compression or tension.



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