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Leaching characteristics of $$^{137}$$Cs for forest floor affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident; A Litterbag experiment

福島事故によって影響を受けた林床における$$^{137}$$Csの溶出特性; リターバッグ実験

佐久間 一幸   ; 吉村 和也  ; 中西 貴宏   

Sakuma, Kazuyuki; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Nakanishi, Takahiro

福島県太田川上流域において、リターバックを用いて針葉樹および広葉樹からの溶存態$$^{137}$$Csの溶出特性を調査した。各樹種のリターを36個のリターバックにそれぞれ封入し、2017年6, 12月に各林床に設置した。2017年8, 12月および2018年3, 5, 8, 12月に、各林床から3つずつサンプルを採取し、純水に浸漬した。その後溶出水を、浸漬後20分, 140分, 1日後に採取した。溶存態$$^{137}$$Cs濃度を分析した。溶存態$$^{137}$$Cs溶出率については、針葉樹(0.13-2.0%)に比べ、広葉樹(0.81-6.6%)が高かった。溶出率に対して、先行降雨,先行温度及び積算温度を用いた重回帰モデルは、実測値をよく再現した(R$$^{2}$$=0.61-0.99)。

We investigated characteristic of dissolved $$^{137}$$Cs leaching from litters collected at a coniforest needle and a deciduous broadleaf forests using litterbags at upstream area of Ohta River in Fukushima. Each leaf type of litters was collected into 36 litterbags, respectively, and installed each forest floor in June and December, 2017. Triplicate samples were collected at each forest floor and readily transported to the laboratory in August, December, 2017 and March, May, August, December, 2018. Samples were put in buckets and soaked in purified water. We took leaching water samples from the buckets at 20 min, 140 min, 1 day after soaking litter samples in the water. These samples were analysed about $$^{137}$$Cs activity. The main results were that the deciduous broadleaf litter showed much higher leaching ratio of dissolved $$^{137}$$Cs (0.81-6.6%) than that of the coniferous needle litter (0.13-2.0%). A multi-regression analysis of $$^{137}$$Cs leaching ratios were conducted against antecedent mean precipitation and temperature, and accumulated temperature during the litterbag experiments. The model can reproduce observed $$^{137}$$Cs leaching ratios (R$$^{2}$$ = 0.61-0.99).



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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