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 年 ~ 

Direct measurement of fast ortho-para conversion of molecularly chemisorbed H$$_{2}$$ on Pd(210)


植田 寛和   ; 笹川 裕矢*; Ivanov, D.*; 大野 哲*; 小倉 正平*; 福谷 克之

Ueta, Hirokazu; Sasakawa, Yuya*; Ivanov, D.*; Ono, Satoshi*; Ogura, Shohei*; Fukutani, Katsuyuki


Ortho-to-para conversion of molecularly chemisorbed H$$_{2}$$ on a Pd(210) surface at a surface temperature of 50 K is reported. A combination of a pulsed molecular beam, photo-stimulated desorption and resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization techniques was used for probing the change in the rotational states of molecularly chemisorbed H$$_{2}$$ on the surface. Our result shows that fast ortho-para conversion of chemisorbed H$$_{2}$$ occurs. The conversion time was experimentally determined to be about 2 s, which is in good agreement with a previous theoretical calculation. This agreement supports that the ortho-para conversion mechanism of the molecularly chemisorbed H$$_{2}$$ on Pd(210) is the two-step process based on the hyperfine-Coulomb excitation.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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