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 年 ~ 

Verification of the multi-group generation capability of FRENDY nuclear data processing code for recent nuclear data through comparison of one-group reaction rates


山本 章夫*; 多田 健一   ; 千葉 豪*; 遠藤 知弘*

Yamamoto, Akio*; Tada, Kenichi; Chiba, Go*; Endo, Tomohiro*


Verification calculations for the capability of multi-group cross section generation in FRENDY (FRENDY/MG) are carried out through the comparison of one-group reaction rates using the multi-group cross sections obtained by FRENDY/MG and NJOY2016. Three different neutron spectra (LWR, FR, and 1/E) are used to calculate one-group reaction rates. The discrepancies of one-group reaction rates are small for most cases, showing the validity of FRENDY/MG. The FRENDY/MG will be released as the part of FRENDY nuclear data processing system in the near future.



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