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Toward development of a framework for prediction system of local-scale atmospheric dispersion based on a coupling of LES-database and on-site meteorological observation


中山 浩成   ; 吉田 敏哉   ; 寺田 宏明   ; 門脇 正尚   

Nakayama, Hiromasa; Yoshida, Toshiya; Terada, Hiroaki; Kadowaki, Masanao


In this study, first, we conducted meteorological observations by a Doppler LiDAR and simple plume release experiments by a mist spraying system at the site of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Then, we developed a framework for prediction system of local-scale atmospheric dispersion based on a coupling of large-eddy simulation (LES) database and on-site meteorological observation. The LES-database was also created by pre-calculating high-resolution turbulent flows in the target site at mean wind directions of class interval. We provided the meteorological observed data with the LES database in consideration of building conditions and calculated three-dimensional distribution of the plume by a Lagrangian dispersion model. Compared to the instantaneous shot of the plume taken by a digital camera, it was shown that the mist plume transport direction was accurately simulated. It was concluded that our proposed framework for prediction system based on a coupling of LES-database and on-site meteorological observation is effective.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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