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 年 ~ 


In situ neutron diffraction during compression of LPSO-Mg alloy with different extrusion ratio

Harjo, S.   ; 相澤 一也  ; 川崎 卓郎   ; Gong, W.   ; 山崎 倫昭*; 河村 能人*

Harjo, S.; Aizawa, Kazuya; Kawasaki, Takuro; Gong, W.; Yamasaki, Michiaki*; Kawamura, Yoshihito*

Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_1$$Y$$_2$$ alloy is a magnesium alloy consisting an $$alpha$$Mg phase as the matrix and a Long-Period Stacking Ordered (LPSO) phase with the volume fraction of about 25%. In situ neutron diffractions during compression at room temperature of Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_1$$Y$$_2$$ alloys in as-casted condition and hot-extruded conditions with the extrusion ratios of 5.0, 7.5 and 12.5 were conducted to elucidate the deformation mechanism after hot-extrusion. The evolutions of integrated intensities of diffraction peaks, lattice strains of individual constituent phases measured from neutron diffraction were plotted with the applied stress and strain, and twinning in $$alpha$$Mg and kinking in LPSO phase were discussed.



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