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 年 ~ 

核データ処理コードFRENDY第2版の開発,2; 多群定数作成におけるResonance up-scatteringの実装

Development of nuclear data processing code FRENDY version 2, 2; Implementation of resonance up-scattering treatment for multi-group cross sections

山本 章夫*; 遠藤 知弘*; 千葉 豪*; 多田 健一   

Yamamoto, Akio*; Endo, Tomohiro*; Chiba, Go*; Tada, Kenichi


The treatment of the resonance up-scattering effect for arbitrary nuclide is implemented in the nuclear data processing code FRENDY. The Mosteller benchmark is used to verify this new function. The fuel temperature coefficient differences between with and without consideration of the resonance up-scattering effect show good agreement with the previous study.



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