※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Vibration of cantilever by jet impinging in axial direction

飛田 大樹*; 文字 秀明*; 山下 晋   ; 堀口 直樹   ; 吉田 啓之  ; 菅原 隆徳  

Tobita, Daiki*; Monji, Hideaki*; Yamashita, Susumu; Horiguchi, Naoki; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Sugawara, Takanori

Accelerator-driven system (ADS) is a technology proposed to shorten the lifetime and detoxify highly toxic nuclides contained in high-level radioactive wastes discharged by nuclear power generation (Yamashita et al., 2020). The beam window through which the proton beam penetrates is extremely hot. In order to cool the beam window, a coolant jet impinges the beam window. In the ADS, the beam window is suspended in the system. Therefore, the impinging jet may vibrate the beam window. To investigate the vibration behavior of the beam window due to the jet impinging, an experiment was conducted by the simple experimental apparatus with the suspended rod and the impinging jet, as a basic study.



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