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Finding new pathways of amorphous uranyl peroxide generation

McGrady, J.  ; 熊谷 友多   ; 日下 良二  

McGrady, J.; Kumagai, Yuta; Kusaka, Ryoji

Two new pathways to the formation of amorphous uranyl peroxide under ambient conditions have been identified in this study. UO$$_{2}$$ powder was immersed in H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ solution, and in-situ Raman spectroscopy was used to analyse the surface oxide. At the interface uranyl peroxide was identified, yet underneath this surface amorphous uranyl peroxide was generated. The amorphous phase was found to be transient over time. Drying of the sample after immersion showed an enhanced Raman peak signal for the amorphous phase indicating significant generation, suggesting the formation mechanism involves dehydration. Addition of the amorphous uranyl peroxide into water showed decomposition of the amorphous phase by disappearance of the Raman peak, and the release of gas was observed via the Raman optical microscope which was thought to be O$$_{2}$$.



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