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 年 ~ 

Thermodynamic analysis for solidification path of simulated ex-vessel corium


佐藤 拓未 ; 永江 勇二 ; 倉田 正輝 ; Quaini, A.*; Gu$'e$neau, C.*

Sato, Takumi; Nagae, Yuji; Kurata, Masaki; Quaini, A.*; Gu$'e$neau, C.*

Investigation of the primary containment vessel inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station showed that a significant amount of the molten corium reached the bottom of the pedestal region. The molten corium and concrete likely caused a complex interaction called Molten Corium Concrete Interaction. The solidification hysteresis of these ex-vessel debris significantly influences its properties. We performed a thermodynamic analysis using the TAF-ID database to infer the solidification path of U-Zr-Al-Ca-Si-O molten corium, which was chosen for a prototypic system of ex-vessel debris. The solidification path for the CaO-rich sim-corium showed that (i) melting as a single liquid phase above 2430 K, (ii) selective solidification of the oxide-rich corium mainly consisted of fuel materials, and (iii) solidification of the remaining materials as a silicate matrix. In contrast, the solidification path for the SiO$$_{2}$$-rich corium indicated that (i) formation of liquid miscibility gap above 2200 K between U-rich and Zr-rich oxidic melts, (ii) individual precipitation of solid phases in each liquid phase.



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