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 年 ~ 

Evaluation of edge domains in giant magnetoresistive junctions


Frost, W.*; 関 剛斎*; 窪田 崇秀*; Ramos, R.*; 齊藤 英治; 高梨 弘毅*; 廣畑 貴文*

Frost, W.*; Seki, Takeshi*; Kubota, Takahide*; Ramos, R.*; Saito, Eiji; Takanashi, Koki*; Hirohata, Atsufumi*

We demonstrate that the spin-Seebeck effect can be used to estimate the volume of edge domains formed in a giant magnetoresistive (GMR) device. The thermal gradient induced by Joule heating can be harnessed by the addition of a ferromagnetically insulating channel of Fe$$_2$$O$$_3$$ on the sides of the GMR pillar. This generates a spin wave in Fe$$_2$$O$$_3$$, which couples with the free-layer edge magnetization and controls the reversal of the ferromagnetic layers in one direction only, increasing the current density from $$(1.1pm0.1)times10^7$$ A/cm$$^2$$ to $$(7.0pm0.5)times10^7$$ A/cm$$^2$$. By simple assumption, we estimate the effect of the edge domain on magnetization reversal to be $$10%-15%$$ by spin-transfer torque.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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