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 年 ~ 

Monitoring of strengthening of LPSO in $$alpha$$Mg/LPSO dual phase alloy by hot-extrusion using in situ neutron diffraction during deformation

変形中のin situ中性子回折を用いた熱間押出による$$alpha$$Mg/LPSO二相合金におけるLPSO強化の観察

Harjo, S.   ; 相澤 一也  ; Gong, W.   ; 川崎 卓郎   ; 山崎 倫昭*

Harjo, S.; Aizawa, Kazuya; Gong, W.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Yamasaki, Michiaki*

In this study, in situ neutron diffraction during deformation was performed using three kinds of samples of Mg$$_{97}$$Zn$$_{1}$$Y$$_{2}$$ alloy: an as-casted sample (As-Cast), hot extruded samples with the extrusion ratio (R) values of 5.0 (R=5.0) and 12.5 (R=12.5). Crystallographic evolutions of $$alpha$$Mg and LPSO phases by hot-extrusion and deformation behavior of the individual phases were investigated, and the unique deformation mechanism by hot-extrusion in this alloy will be discussed based on the obtained results.



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