※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

In-situ measurement of radon and thoron exhalation rates from interior walls in a Japanese building


迫田 晃弘   ; 石森 有  ; Hasan, Md. M.*; Jin, Q.*; 神崎 訓枝   ; 飯本 武志*

Sakoda, Akihiro; Ishimori, Yuu; Hasan, Md. M.*; Jin, Q.*; Kanzaki, Norie; Iimoto, Takeshi*


Building materials such as brick and concrete are known to be one of indoor radon (Rn-222) and thoron (Rn-220) sources. Most radon and thoron exhalation studies have been based on laboratory tests using pieces and blocks of such materials. To elucidate how laboratory findings can be used in a real-world environment, we conducted intensive in-situ radon and thoron exhalation tests on interior walls, with different structure types of an apartment (i.e., solid wall and cavity wall) for over a year. This study provides an insight into parameterizing a radon source input in modeling the spatial and temporal dynamics of indoor radon and thoron air concentrations.



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