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東海再処理施設 高放射性固体廃棄物貯蔵庫(HASWS)からの廃棄物の取出しに関する検討について,3; 水中リフタに係る検討について

Study of recovery waste from High Active Solid Waste Storage (HASWS) at Tokai Reprocessing Plant, 3; Study of underwater buoyancy

爲田 惟斗 ; 佐野 恭平; 伊藤 賢志; 秋山 和樹 

Tameta, Yuito; Sano, Kyohei; Ito, Satoshi; Akiyama, Kazuki


We are developing a system to take out waste from wet storage for the decommissioning of HASWS in Tokai Reprocessing Plant. The main component of the system is an underwater ROV, which has been used for decommissioning in the U.K. However, since the underwater ROV alone cannot handle the waste, we are considering combining it with an underwater buoyancy, which is used for lifting and transporting submarine items in the offshore field. In mock-up tests, simulated waste has been placed in a mock-up facility that simulates an actual HASWS, and tests have been conducted to lift up simulated waste using various shapes of underwater buoyancy and to move simulated waste by combining an underwater ROV and an underwater lifter. We report the results of these tests, as we obtained results regarding the removal of waste using underwater buoyancy.



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