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Granitic magma processes during the Cretaceous flare-ups recorded in Cretaceous plutonic rocks from Kajishima Island, Ehime Prefecture, southwest Japan

下岡 和也*; 長田 充弘   ; 小北 康弘  ; 高橋 俊郎*; 谷 健一郎*; 齊藤 哲*

Shimooka, Kazuya*; Nagata, Mitsuhiro; Ogita, Yasuhiro; Takahashi, Toshiro*; Tani, Kenichiro*; Saito, Satoshi*


The Kajishima is located in the northeastern part of Ehime Prefecture, where Cretaceous gabbros with dike-like granite are widely distributed. In this study, we clarified the granitic magma formation process during the Cretaceous flare-up event based on data on field occurrences, petrography, whole-rock geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotope composition, and zircon Hf isotopes. We newly found that many of gabbro and granite $$varepsilon$$Nd (t) and zircon $$varepsilon$$Hf (t) are negative. This suggests that the Cretaceous flare-ups enriched the mantle, the origin material of the gabbros. Furthermore, the zircon Hf isotopic composition of the plutonic rocks in this study is consistent with the isotopic compositions of previously reported Cretaceous plutonic rocks in the Eurasian margin. The Kajishima plutonic rocks can be considered representative of the Cretaceous plutonic rocks of the inner zone of southwestern Japan, and can be regarded as a geological unit that records the felsic magma formation process in the mafic lower crust.



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