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Experimental investigation on the heat transfer behavior of spherical particle bed with volumetric heating


Wen, J.*; 鎌田 悠斗*; 横山 貢成*; 松元 達也*; Liu, W.*; 守田 幸路*; 今泉 悠也 ; 田上 浩孝 ; 松場 賢一  ; 神山 健司  

Wen, J.*; Kamada, Yuto*; Yokoyama, Kosei*; Matsumoto, Tatsuya*; Liu, W.*; Morita, Koji*; Imaizumi, Yuya; Tagami, Hirotaka; Matsuba, Kenichi; Kamiyama, Kenji

An Experimental investigation on the heat transfer behavior of spherical particle bed with volumetric heating was carried out to verify the newly embedded momentum exchange function (MXF) models in SIMMER-IV code. The experimental apparatus consists of a particle bed immersed in water and a water pool above it, which simulate disrupted solid fuel and molten steel, respectively. Correspondent SIMMER-IV model was built to verify the newly embedded MXF models compared to the experiments. The results show that Syamlal's model has better consistency of experiments than other models under the current experimental conditions.



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