高バックグラウンド放射線環境における配管内探査技術の開発,1; 研究デザイン
Development of in-pipe exploration technology in high background radiation environment, 1; Research design
鳥居 建男 ; 眞田 幸尚 ; 黒澤 俊介*; 林 高史*; 阪上 隆英*; 小玉 翔平*
Torii, Tatsuo; Sanada, Yukihisa; Kurosawa, Shunsuke*; Hayashi, Takashi*; Sakagami, Takahide*; Kodama, Shyohei*
In the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, non-destructive inspection of piping inside and outside the facility and inspection of contamination inside the piping after removal of the piping is an important issue. In order to set targets for nondestructive inspection inside the piping, we interviewed TEPCO and confirmed the following conditions: the diameters of pipes commonly used in the 1F facility (500A and 25A), hydrogen gas containing -ray emitting nuclides, deposits, and moisture inside the pipes. Based on this situation, the two major themes of the research design were nondestructive inspection for internal penetration and radiological imaging. In this series of presentations, we will introduce the research plan and some of the results related to radiation imaging.