Validation of PHITS code at the high-energy white-neutron irradiation field of RCNP
佐藤 大樹 ; 安部 晋一郎 ; 神田 浩樹*; 永山 啓一*; 福田 光宏*; 依田 哲彦*; Zhao, H.*; 松井 昇大郎*; 小林 信之
Satoh, Daiki; Abe, Shinichiro; Kanda, Hiroki*; Nagayama, Keiichi*; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro*; Yorita, Tetsuhiko*; Zhao, H.*; Matsui, Shotaro*; Kobayashi, Nobuyuki
The Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP) at Osaka University is planning to increase the intensity of the high-energy white neutron field that can be used to analyze semiconductor soft errors caused by cosmic ray-derived neutrons. Using the PHITS code, we had designed and installed a neutron-producing target, beam dumps, collimators, etc., applicable to the 392 MeV proton beam with 10 times higher intensity (about 10A) than the current one. In this study, the accuracy of the PHITS simulations was confirmed based on the data measured at the real facility. The simulation geometry was constructed according to the drawings of the facility. The INCL model and JENDL-5 were used for the radiation transport simulations. Neutron and gamma-ray dose rates were measured at several locations using the Wendi-2 and DARWIN monitors. As a result, PHITS well reproduced the neutron fluence rates at the semiconductor irradiation location, and the simulated values agreed with the measured neutron and gamma-ray dose rates within 5 and 15%, respectively, behind the shielding.