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検索結果: 91 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Laser-driven neutron generation realizing single-shot resonance spectroscopy

余語 覚文*; Lan, Z.*; 有川 安信*; 安部 勇輝*; Mirfayzi, S. R.*; Wei, T.*; 森 隆人*; Golovin, D.*; 早川 岳人*; 岩田 夏弥*; et al.

Physical Review X, 13(1), p.011011_1 - 011011_12, 2023/01

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:93.39(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Neutrons are powerful tools for investigating the structure and properties of materials used in science and technology. Recently, laser-driven neutron sources (LDNS) have attracted the attention of different communities, from science to industry, in a variety of applications, including radiography, spectroscopy, security, and medicine. However, the laser-driven ion acceleration mechanism for neutron generation and for establishing the scaling law on the neutron yield is essential to improve the feasibility of LDNS. In this paper, we report the mechanism that accelerates ions with spectra suitable for neutron generation. We show that the neutron yield increases with the fourth power of the laser intensity, resulting in the neutron generation of $$3times10^{11}$$ in $$4pi$$ at a maximum, with $$1.1times10^{19}$$ Wcm$$^{-2}$$, 900 J, 1.5 ps lasers. By installing a "hand-size" moderator, which is specially designed for the LDNS, it is demonstrated that the efficient generation of epithermal (0.1-100 eV) neutrons enables the single-shot analysis of composite materials by neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA). We achieve the energy resolution of 2.3% for 5.19-eV neutrons 1.8 m downstream of the LDNS. This leads to the analysis of elements and isotopes within sub-$$mu$$s times and allows for high-speed nondestructive inspection.


Benchmark analysis of ductile fracture simulation for circumferentially cracked pipes subjected to bending

熊谷 知久*; 三浦 靖史*; 三浦 直樹*; Marie, S.*; Almahdi, R.*; 真野 晃宏; Li, Y.; 勝山 仁哉; 和田 義孝*; Hwang, J.-H.*; et al.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 144(1), p.011509_1 - 011509_18, 2022/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.53(Engineering, Mechanical)



The Negative-parity spin-1/2 $$Lambda$$ baryon spectrum from lattice QCD and effective theory

Pavao, R.*; Gubler, P.; Fernandez-Soler, P.*; Nieves, J.*; 岡 眞; 高橋 徹*

Physics Letters B, 820, p.136473_1 - 136473_8, 2021/09

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:44.64(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The spectrum of the negative-parity spin-1/2 $$Lambda$$ baryons is studied using lattice QCD and hadronic effective theory in a unitarized coupled-channel framework. A direct comparison between the two approaches is possible by considering the hadronic effective theory in a finite volume and with hadron masses and mesonic decay constants that correspond to the situation studied on the lattice. Comparing the energy level spectrum and $$SU(3)$$ flavor decompositions of the individual states, itis found that the lowest two states extracted from lattice QCD can be identified with one of the two $$Lambda$$(1405)-poles and the $$Lambda$$(1670) resonance. The quark mass dependences of these two lattice QCD levels are in good agreement with their effective theory counterparts.


Dynamical response of transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters to a pulsed charged-particle beam

奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I.-H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), p.2101704_1 - 2101704_4, 2021/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:10.16(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)



Observation of nuclear-spin Seebeck effect

吉川 貴史*; Reitz, D.*; 伊藤 宏陽*; 巻内 崇彦*; 杉本 宜陽*; 恒川 翔*; 大門 俊介*; 大柳 洸一*; Ramos, R.*; 高橋 三郎*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 12, p.4356_1 - 4356_7, 2021/07

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:87.09(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Thermoelectric effects have been applied to power generators and temperature sensors that convert waste heat into electricity. The effects, however, have been limited to electrons to occur, and inevitably disappear at low temperatures due to electronic entropy quenching. Here, we report thermoelectric generation caused by nuclear spins in a solid: nuclear-spin Seebeck effect. The sample is a magnetically ordered material MnCO$$_3$$ having a large nuclear spin $$(I=5/2)$$ of $$^{55}$$Mn nuclei and strong hyperfine coupling, with a Pt contact. In the system, we observe low-temperature thermoelectric signals down to 100 mK due to nuclear-spin excitation. Our theoretical calculation in which interfacial Korringa process is taken into consideration quantitatively reproduces the results. The nuclear thermoelectric effect demonstrated here offers a way for exploring thermoelectric science and technologies at ultralow temperatures.


Deexcitation dynamics of muonic atoms revealed by high-precision spectroscopy of electronic $$K$$ X rays

奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I. H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(5), p.053001_1 - 053001_7, 2021/07

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:82.53(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Thermally altered subsurface material of asteroid (162173) Ryugu

北里 宏平*; Milliken, R. E.*; 岩田 隆浩*; 安部 正真*; 大竹 真紀子*; 松浦 周二*; 高木 靖彦*; 中村 智樹*; 廣井 孝弘*; 松岡 萌*; et al.

Nature Astronomy (Internet), 5(3), p.246 - 250, 2021/03

 被引用回数:44 パーセンタイル:96.99(Astronomy & Astrophysics)



Scaling of memories and crossover in glassy magnets

Samarakoon, A. M.*; 高橋 満*; Zhang, D.*; Yang, J.*; 片山 尚幸*; Sinclair, R.*; Zhou, H. D.*; Diallo, S. O.*; Ehlers, G.*; Tennant, D. A.*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 7(1), p.12053_1 - 12053_8, 2017/09


 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:49.54(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Glassiness is ubiquitous and diverse in characteristics in nature. Understanding their differences and classification remains a major scientific challenge. Here, we show that scaling of magnetic memories with time can be used to classify magnetic glassy materials into two distinct classes. The systems studied are high temperature superconductor-related materials, spin-orbit Mott insulators, frustrated magnets, and dilute magnetic alloys. Our bulk magnetization measurements reveal that most densely populated magnets exhibit similar memory behavior characterized by a relaxation exponent of $$1-n$$ $$approx$$ $$0.6$$(1). This exponent is different from $$1-n$$ $$approx$$ $$1/3$$ of dilute magnetic alloys that was ascribed to their hierarchical and fractal energy landscape, and is also different from $$1-n=1$$ of the conventional Debye relaxation expected for a spin solid, a state with long range order.


Operation and commissioning of IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) LIPAc injector

奥村 義和; Gobin, R.*; Knaster, J.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ayala, J.-M.*; Bolzon, B.*; Cara, P.*; Chauvin, N.*; Chel, S.*; Gex, D.*; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(2), p.02A739_1 - 02A739_3, 2016/02

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:38.68(Instruments & Instrumentation)



Measurement of ion species in high current ECR H$$^+$$/D$$^+$$ ion source for IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility)

神藤 勝啓; Sen$'e$e, F.*; Ayala, J.-M.*; Bolzon, B.*; Chauvin, N.*; Gobin, R.*; 一宮 亮; 伊原 彰; 池田 幸治; 春日井 敦; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(2), p.02A727_1 - 02A727_3, 2016/02

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:42.27(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A high current ECR ion source producing 140 mA/100 keV D$$^+$$ ion beams for IFMIF accelerator is now under commissioning at Rokkasho in Japan, under the framework of ITER Broader Approach (BA) activities. The ion source for IFMIF is required to produce positive deuterium ion beams with a high D$$^+$$ ratio. After the mass separation in LEBT consisting of two solenoids, the D$$^+$$ ratio should be higher than 95 % with less molecular ions and impurity ions at the entrance of RFQ linac to be installed downstream. The ion species have been measured by Doppler shift spectroscopy between the two solenoids. With hydrogen operation in pulsed and CW modes, the H$$^+$$ ratio increases with RF power or plasma density and reached 80% at 160 mA/100 keV. The value was compared with that derived from the emittance diagram for each ion species measured by an Alison scanner installed nearby the viewport for the spectroscopy in the LEBT. It was found that the spectroscopy gives lower H$$^+$$ ratio than the emittance measurement.



神藤 勝啓; 市川 雅浩; 高橋 博樹; 近藤 恵太郎; 春日井 敦; Gobin, R.*; Sen$'e$e, F.*; Chauvin, N.*; Ayala, J.-M.*; Marqueta, A.*; et al.

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.493 - 495, 2015/09

日本原子力研究開発機構核融合研究開発部門では、加速器駆動型中性子源を用いた核融合炉材料開発施設である国際核融合炉材料照射施設(IFMIF)の工学実証のための原型加速器の開発を青森県六ケ所村で進めている。この加速器は入射器、RFQ及び超伝導リナックで構成された重陽子線形加速器であり、9MeV/125mAの連続ビーム生成を目指している。入射器はフランス原子力庁サクレー研究所(CEA Saclay)で開発され、2012年秋まで100keV/140mAの陽子及び重陽子の連続ビーム試験を行った。この入射器を青森県六ケ所村の国際核融合エネルギー研究センター(IFERC)に搬送し、2013年末より入射器の据付作業の開始、2014年11月に陽子ビームの生成に成功した。その後、イオン源のコンディショニングを行いながらビーム試験を実施してきた。本発表では六ヶ所サイトで実施してきたビーム試験の結果など入射器の現状について報告する。



奥村 義和; Ayala, J.-M.*; Bolzon, B.*; Cara, P.*; Chauvin, N.*; Chel, S.*; Gex, D.*; Gobin, R.*; Harrault, F.*; Heidinger, R.*; et al.

Proceedings of 12th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.203 - 205, 2015/09



Thickness-dependent magnetic properties and strain-induced orbital magnetic moment in SrRuO$$_{3}$$ thin films

石上 啓介*; 吉松 公平*; 豊田 大介*; 滝沢 優*; 吉田 鉄平*; 芝田 悟朗*; 原野 貴幸*; 高橋 文雄*; 門野 利治*; Verma, V. K.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 92(6), p.064402_1 - 064402_5, 2015/08

 被引用回数:46 パーセンタイル:84.59(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Thin films of the ferromagnetic metal SrRuO$$_{2}$$ (SRO) show a varying easy magnetization axis depending on the epitaxial strain, and undergo a metal-to-insulator transition with decreasing film thickness. We have investigated the magnetic properties of SRO thin films with varying thicknesses fabricated on SrTiO$$_{3}$$(001) substrates by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Ru M2,3 edge. Results have shown that, with decreasing film thickness, the film changes from ferromagnetic to nonmagnetic at around 3 monolayer thickness, consistent with previous magnetization and magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements. The orbital magnetic moment perpendicular to the film was found to be 0.1$$mu$$B/Ru, and remained nearly unchanged with decreasing film thickness while the spin magnetic moment decreases. A mechanism for the formation of the orbital magnetic moment is discussed based on the electronic structure of the compressively strained SRO film.


Draft genome sequence of ${it Bacillus alcalophilus}$ AV1934, a classic alkaliphile isolated from human feces in 1934

Attie, O.*; Jayaprakash, A.*; Shah, H.*; Paulsen, I. T.*; 守野 正人*; 高橋 優嘉*; 鳴海 一成*; Sachidanandam, R.*; 佐藤 勝也; 伊藤 政博*; et al.

Genome Announcements (Internet), 2(6), p.e01175-14_1 - e01175-14_2, 2014/11

The alkaliphilic bacterium ${it Bacillus alcalophilus}$ AV1934, isolated from human feces, recent has indicated novel potassium ion coupling to motility in this extremophile. We report draft sequences that will facilitate an examination of whether that coupling is part of a larger cycle of potassium ion-coupled transporters. This draft genome has 4,095 predicted genes and 4,063 predicted proteins. The whole-genome shotgun project has been deposited in Genbank under the accession no. ALPT02000000. In addition to the ${it mot}$ genes encoding the MotPS channel that uses either potassium or sodium coupling, two loci encoding multisubunit Mrp-type antiporters, were found. The ${it B. alcalophilus}$ AV1934 genome reveals no tripartite ATP-independent (TRAP-T family) uptake systems, a major sodium-coupled complement in the other two alkaliphiles. The ${it B. alcalophilus}$ AV1934 genomic data will enable us to test the hypothesis of a major role of potassium in ion coupling in this extremophile.



神藤 勝啓; 市川 雅浩; 高橋 康之*; 久保 隆司*; 堤 和昌; 菊地 孝行; 春日井 敦; 杉本 昌義; Gobin, R.*; Girardot, P.*; et al.

Proceedings of 11th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.1009 - 1012, 2014/10

加速器駆動型中性子源を用いた核融合炉材料開発施設である国際核融合炉材料照射施設(IFMIF)の工学実証のための原型加速器の開発が進められている。この加速器は入射器、RFQ及び超伝導リナックで構成された重陽子線形加速器であり、9MeV/125mAの連続ビーム生成を目指している。入射器はフランス原子力庁サクレー研究所(CEA Saclay)で2012年秋まで100keV/140mAの陽子及び重陽子の連続ビーム試験を行った。ビーム試験終了後、この入射器は青森県六ケ所村の国際核融合エネルギー研究センター(IFERC)に搬送された。IFERCでIFMIF/EVEDA原型加速器として駆動するための第一段階として、2014年夏より更なる品質向上を目指した入射器のビーム試験を行うために2013年末より入射器の据付作業を開始した。本発表ではCEA Saclayでのビーム試験の結果、IFERCでの入射器の据付状況について報告する。


Orbital magnetic moment and coercivity of SiO$$_2$$-coated FePt nanoparticles studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

高橋 文雄*; 門野 利治*; 山本 真平*; Singh, V. R.*; Verma, V.*; 石上 啓介*; 芝田 悟朗*; 原野 貴幸*; 竹田 幸治; 岡根 哲夫; et al.

Physical Review B, 90(2), p.024423_1 - 024423_5, 2014/07


 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:44.28(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We have investigated the spin and orbital magnetic moments of Fe in FePt nanoparticles in the $$L1_{0}$$-ordered phase coated with SiO$$_2$$ by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements at the Fe $$L_{2,3}$$ absorption edges. The magnetic coercivity (H$$_{c}$$) was found to be as large as 1.8 T at room temperature, 3 times larger than the thin film value and 50 times larger than that of the gas phase condensed nanoparticles. The hysteresis curve is well explained by the Stoner-Wohlfarth model for noninteracting single-domain nanoparticles with the H$$_{c}$$ distributed from 1 to 5 T.


Development of a GEM-TPC for H-dibaryon search experiment at J-PARC

佐甲 博之; Ahn, J. K.*; Baek, K. H.*; Bassalleck, B.*; Fujioka, H.*; Guo, L.*; 長谷川 勝一; Hicks, K.*; Honda, R.*; Hwang, S. H.*; et al.

Journal of Instrumentation (Internet), 9(4), p.C04009_1 - C04009_10, 2014/04

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:15.82(Instruments & Instrumentation)

($$K^+$$,$$K^-$$)反応によるHダイバリオン探索実験(J-PARC E42)のためのTPCの開発を行っている。TPCにおいてHが2個の$$pi^{-}$$と2個の$$p$$に崩壊する事象を測定する。TPCのドリフト体積は50cm直径、55cmドリフト長を持つ8角柱構造をしておりAr-CH$$_4$$ガスを使用する。増幅部には3層のGEMを使用する。荷電粒子の運動量測定のためTPCにはドリフト電場と平行に鉛直方向の1Tの双極磁場を超伝導ヘルムホルツ型磁石によりかける。H崩壊のアクセプタンスを最大にするためダイアモンド標的がTPC内部の筒状の穴に設置される。さらに、超高レートの$$K^-$$ビームをTPCに直接照射するため陽イオンフィードバックを極力抑制必要がある。このためTPCにGEMとgating gridを採用した。


超伝導転移端マイクロカロリメータによる燃料デブリの核種分析に係る研究; 高分解能測定実験及びシミュレーション計算(共同研究)

高崎 浩司; 安宗 貴志; 大西 貴士; 中村 圭佑; 石見 明洋; 伊藤 主税; 逢坂 正彦; 大野 雅史*; 畠山 修一*; 高橋 浩之*; et al.

JAEA-Research 2013-043, 33 Pages, 2014/01




Synthesis of copolymer grafts containing sulfoalkyl and hydrophilic groups in polymer electrolyte membranes

榎本 一之; 高橋 周一; Rohani, R.; 前川 康成

Journal of Membrane Science, 415-416, p.36 - 41, 2012/10

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:45.82(Engineering, Chemical)

次世代燃料電池に不可欠な高温低加湿下でも高イオン伝導性と機械強度を併せ持つグラフト型電解質膜の合成を目的に、イオン伝導を担うスルホン酸と低加湿下での保水性が期待できる親水性水酸基を有するアルキルグラフト鎖を導入した電解質膜を作製し、その導電率の相対湿度依存性を評価した。VAcモノマーのETFE基材への放射線グラフト重合とその鹸化反応により得られたグラフト鎖の水酸基の1,3-プロパンスルトンへの求核開環付加反応で、スルホン化率が39%で目的のグラフト型電解質膜が得られた。同じイオン交換容量(IEC)のグラフト型電解質膜について、低加湿下(30%RH, 80$$^{circ}$$C)での導電率を比較したところ、これまで報告してきた従来型のポリスチレンスルホン酸電解質膜を凌ぐ1.2$$times$$10$$^{3}$$ S/cmを示した。さらに、ナフィオンや芳香族炭化水素電解質膜の機械強度を凌ぐことから、水酸基を有するグラフト型電解質膜は、低膨潤(機械強度)を維持したまま、低加湿下での高導電性を実現することを明らかにした。


Emergent phenomena in perovskite-type manganites

田口 康二郎*; 酒井 英明*; 奥山 大輔*; 石渡 晋太郎*; 藤岡 淳*; 福田 竜生; 橋爪 大輔*; 賀川 史敬*; 高橋 陽太郎*; 島野 亮*; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 407(11), p.1685 - 1688, 2012/06

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:23.80(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Perovskite-type manganites exhibit various interesting phenomena arising from complex interplay among spin, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom. As the respective examples, perovskite-type YMnO$$_3$$ and Sr$$_{1-x}$$Ba$$_x$$MnO$$_3$$ are discussed. In the YMnO$$_3$$, the ferroelectric lattice distortion associated with the $$E$$-type spin order is observed for the first time. Displacement-type ferroelectricity with off-center magnetic ions is discovered for Sr$$_{0.5}$$Ba$$_{0.5}$$MnO$$_3$$, which shows both large polarization value and strong coupling between ferroelectricity and magnetism.

91 件中 1件目~20件目を表示